The Psychology Behind Procrastination and How to Master Your Mind

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First I want to say that I am not a psychologist. However, I am someone who has dealt with procrastination for most of his life and learned some ways to overcome it . I want share some ways that you can overcome it too. Lets get in to it !

Welcome everyone to the world of self-improvement! Today we’re talking about one of the greatest obstacles when it comes to reaching our goals, and that is procrastination. We all know how hard it can be to stay focused on our tasks while still feeling motivated enough to finish them, but luckily there are some ways that you can master your mind and take control of those pesky procrastinating habits.

Procrastination has been around for centuries, with ancient Greeks even having a word for it; akrasia. It was seen as an ailment back then just like today where people struggle with pushing through deadlines or getting their work done in general. But why do we experience this seemingly never-ending cycle?

Well according to psychology, people tend to gravitate towards activities they deem more enjoyable than others – this could be anything from playing video games instead of studying, scrolling mindlessly through social media for hours on end, or watching Netflix marathons instead of working on a business plan. This is because the reward system in our brains releases dopamine (the pleasure chemical) when doing something fun which reinforces us wanting more and ultimately causes us not to get any real work done. So what can we do about this?

The first step would be setting small achievable goals each day that will help you reach your long-term goal faster and make progress even if its baby steps at first – like reading one chapter per day if you’re trying to read a book or writing 500 words every day if you’re writing a blog post etc… Doing so gives your brain positive reinforcement because by completing these smaller tasks throughout the day rather than putting off everything until later allows it feel accomplished and keeps motivation levels high! The second step would be creating an environment conducive to productivity – this means eliminating distractions such as notifications popping up from emails/social media/text messages etc… As well as staying away from activities like gaming/Netflix binging during times dedicated specifically to working on projects.

Thirdly try breaking down larger projects into smaller chunks so that they don’t seem overwhelming but rather manageable – again reinforcing feelings of accomplishment whenever these tasks have been completed successfully! And lastly, give yourself rewards after achieving certain milestones- whether it’s taking breaks throughout the day or rewarding yourself with treats after finishing big projects- whatever works best for you will help keep negative thoughts out while maintaining focus levels consistently high!

With all these tips combined, I’m sure many of us here today already have ideas forming in our heads on how we can tackle procrastination once and for all! Whether its starting side hustles or finally turning dreams into reality – no matter what your intentions may be mastering your time management skills will set you up better mentally & physically over time 😊

About Post Author

B.W Ruby

I have been fascinated with tech for years,and I believe that Ai has the ability to both widen the gap between rich and poor OR be a labor saving device for regular people to get more control in their lives. I spent 17 years in the construction industry running both work crews and specializing in grades and machine automation.Currently, I am learning prompt engineering from Vanderbilt University .
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