How to Use Instagram Analytics to Improve Your Performance

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Are you looking for ways to improve your performance on Instagram? If so, understanding the analytics behind your posts and stories can be a great way to drive more web traffic and revenue. Leveraging the power of analytical data can help you create better content, ensure you’re reaching the right audience, and get an edge over competitors.

In this article, we’ll discuss how to use Instagram Analytics to improve your side hustles. Whether you’re already running an online business or just starting, following these steps will give you valuable insight into how people engage with your content—so that you can adjust as needed.

Step 1: Set Up Your Profile For Insights

The first step is making sure that your profile is set up for insights to track how successful it is. To do this, go into “Settings” > “Business Settings” > “Insights & Sharing Options” and switch from Personal Account Mode (default) to Business Account Mode if necessary. This will enable access to detailed analytics about each post or story in addition to followed/unfollowed numbers and other useful metrics.

Step 2: Examine Engagement Data

Once all setup, take some time to review engagement data such as likes, comments, and saves on each post or story published in the past few weeks or months (depending on activity level). Doing this regularly allows one to gain a better understanding of what type of content resonates best with their followers (e.g., images vs videos), which topics are discussed most frequently in their comments section etcetera; thus providing valuable information when creating future posts/stories tailored specifically towards them!

Step 3: Identify Relevant Hashtags

By examining previously used hashtags associated with posts/stories gaining more traction than others one might discover trends they weren’t aware of before; helping find relevant hashtags not currently being used to maximize visibility potential among target audiences who may not follow them yet! Using tools like Keyhole also offer rich insight into hashtag popularity across different regions or countries along with demographic breakdowns too- allowing one to tailor messages accordingly for maximum reachability potential!

Step 4: Analyze Competitors’ Performance

Taking a look at competitor profiles helps provide the context within which our efforts should be measured- viewing their top-performing photos/videos help determine what kind of content works well for similar businesses operating within the same industry space as ours – thereby giving us ideas we could replicate successfully too!

Step 5: Monitor Follower Counts

Lastly checking follower counts over time gives us important feedback regarding whether our strategy has been effective in driving new followers organically; if not then it’s worth taking further action by trying out sponsored ads campaigns- something both large corporations and small businesses alike have found success doing recently due its ability attract quality leads much faster than traditional methods usually require more patience before results start showing themselves eventually!

As we’ve seen above there are many ways leveraging Instagram Analytics can help improve performance levels drastically- always remember though that any advice given here won’t work magically overnight so stay consistent with the effort put into mastering these skillsets until desired outcomes finally manifest themselves later down the road!

About Post Author

B.W Ruby

I have been fascinated with tech for years,and I believe that Ai has the ability to both widen the gap between rich and poor OR be a labor saving device for regular people to get more control in their lives. I spent 17 years in the construction industry running both work crews and specializing in grades and machine automation.Currently, I am learning prompt engineering from Vanderbilt University .
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