Maximizing your video SEO: How to rank higher on YouTube

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Do you have a side hustle that could use some extra exposure? Are you looking to make money online and don’t know where to start? If so, then it’s time for you to learn about maximizing your video SEO on YouTube!

YouTube is the second-largest search engine in the world with billions of users every month. With over 500 hours of content uploaded each minute, there’s no doubt that this platform can be a great way to get your message out and reach potential customers around the globe. But how do you stand out from all the noise and ensure that your videos are getting seen? The answer lies in optimizing your video SEO (search engine optimization)!

It may sound intimidating at first but don’t worry – it doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive. If done correctly, optimizing your video SEO can help boost rankings in YouTube searches and increase views and engagement. Here are some tips for improving your video SEO:

1) Start with a keyword list – Before creating any content, develop a list of relevant keywords for what people might type into YouTube when searching for related topics or terms related to your topic. Once you identify these words and phrases, incorporate them into titles, tags, descriptions, etc. Doing this will give YouTube an idea of what kind of content is featured within the video which will help improve visibility in searches involving those specific keywords.

2) Keep titles concise – Titles should be kept under 65 characters long otherwise they will likely get cut off in search results which won’t look very appealing! Additionally, including one or two descriptive keywords near the beginning can increase relevancy as well as grab viewers’ attention more easily than generic titles without any context clues included.

3) Use eye-catching thumbnails – Thumbnails are often overlooked when discussing optimization strategies but they play an important role in capturing the viewer’s attention while scrolling through results pages! Make sure that all thumbnails include vibrant colors and high-quality images since this helps draw people in before even clicking on the link itself. This also goes back to using relevant keywords since having them appear anywhere on an image (even subtly!) will further enhance its visibility for those conducting searches involving those terms specifically.

4) Include captions – Captions not only provide additional context but also enable viewers who aren’t able to watch videos with audio (or who prefer subtitles/closed captions) to access material as well! Furthermore adding closed captions increases overall accessibility which may impact how many channels will feature certain clips depending upon their guidelines related to accessibility needs to be met prior too featuring new work from creators/producers etc… Not only does captioning make life easier for viewers who need them; they also introduce additional text onto videos which helps boosts rankings even further by providing yet another avenue through which information about clips can be indexed accordingly by platforms like youtube thus increasing their overall visibility when searched against other similar pieces being offered up elsewhere online as well!

About Post Author

B.W Ruby

I have been fascinated with tech for years,and I believe that Ai has the ability to both widen the gap between rich and poor OR be a labor saving device for regular people to get more control in their lives. I spent 17 years in the construction industry running both work crews and specializing in grades and machine automation.Currently, I am learning prompt engineering from Vanderbilt University .
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