How to Build a Network of Followers on LinkedIn for Social Media Visibility

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Having a side hustle is becoming more popular than ever. Whether you’re an artist, entrepreneur, or freelancer, having social media visibility is essential for success in the online world. LinkedIn is a powerful platform to help spread your message and build relationships with potential customers and clients. Here’s how to build a network of followers on LinkedIn for increased social media visibility:

1: Make sure your profile accurately reflects who you are and what your hustle entails.

Your profile should be well crafted so that when someone visits it they can quickly understand what you do and how it might benefit them. Fill out any relevant information such as where you went to school, awards or achievements, current projects that are important to you, etc. This will give others an idea of who you are and why they should connect with you on LinkedIn.

2: Create content that resonates with your target audience!

Posting engaging content about topics related to your hustles will draw people in and make them want to follow your journey/brand/business even further. It also helps establish yourself as an authority in the industry which can lead to more opportunities down the line!

3: Start connecting!

Reach out to colleagues from past jobs or other entrepreneurs in similar fields as yours – this will help create meaningful connections that could lead to future collaborations or just valuable insight into the industry itself! You can even search keywords related to your hustle (for example “freelance writing”) within the platform itself – this way you can easily find other professionals interested in the same topic areas as yourself which makes building relationships easier than ever before!

This is one of the best ways to network on LinkedIn because not only does it allow you access to people who have similar interests but also creates a space where conversations around those topics can take place freely without feeling like spamming anyone’s inboxes directly! Plus being part of these groups looks good for when employers come looking at profiles too since it shows dedication towards learning about one’s industry beyond just their job titles/responsibilities- all positive points towards making a great impression overall!

5: Engage with other users’ posts –

A great way to increase exposure for yourself is by engaging genuinely with others’ content — whether through likes, comments, or shares — so try not to be afraid to throw some love back around every once in a while!! Not only does this show support for fellow entrepreneurs but also builds recognition amongst peers thus increasing chances of getting noticed by potential customers/clients too – win-win situation if there ever was one 😉

6: Utilize hashtags effectively:

When creating new posts on LinkedIn don’t forget to add relevant hashtags (#somethingyourhustlerelates); doing so opens up many avenues to reach out to a wide variety of audiences which means higher potentials sales leads coming way down line #score! Just remember to use no more than three tags per post & keep them short and sweet otherwise risk scaring away readers due to viewers experiencing hashtag overload (yikes!)

7: Be consistent:

Last but certainly least; consistency is key when trying to build up following any social media platform so make sure to post regularly to gain maximum visibility from followers & possible clients alike while still keeping things fresh and interesting enough to maintain engagement over time without losing interest altogether – now THAT would be unfortunate huh?

Following these steps will help get started building a strong follower base presence across various platforms including LinkedIn; ultimately leading to increased social media visibility necessary to reach wider audience expanding business operations even further 🙂 Good luck everyone & Happy networking !!


About Post Author

B.W Ruby

I have been fascinated with tech for years,and I believe that Ai has the ability to both widen the gap between rich and poor OR be a labor saving device for regular people to get more control in their lives. I spent 17 years in the construction industry running both work crews and specializing in grades and machine automation.Currently, I am learning prompt engineering from Vanderbilt University .
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