10 common mistakes to avoid when starting a YouTube channel

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Starting a YouTube channel can be an exciting way to make money online, but it’s important to avoid some common mistakes that could hurt your chances of success. Whether you’re new to the hustle or already have a side hustle and are looking for another source of income, here are 10 common mistakes to watch out for when starting a YouTube channel.

1 Not Having a Clear Direction: Before you start creating content for your channel, take time to think about what kind of videos you want to produce and why you’re doing them in the first place. Consider what topics best suit your interests and skillset, who your target audience is, and how often you plan on posting content. Having these questions answered will help ensure that your videos stay focused and consistent in quality.

2 Not Building an Audience: To see any success with a YouTube channel requires having an audience that watches and shares your videos regularly. Investing time into crafting compelling descriptions for each video as well as engaging viewers through comments can help bring more viewers back again and again instead of just one-time hits from random searches.

3 Poorly Executed Videos: Quality is key when it comes to producing good YouTube content–it doesn’t matter if you have the most interesting topic if no one wants to watch it because the video itself looks bad! Pay attention to things like sound quality, lighting, camera angles, editing techniques, etc., all of which can make or break the result of any given video production session.

4 Ignoring Copyright Laws: You should never use someone else’s work without their permission–this includes clips from other channels or copyrighted music/images/videos that don’t belong to you! While there are plenty of free resources available online (like Creative Commons) where people can share their work legally with others, not following copyright laws could lead to serious consequences such as having your account suspended or even terminated by YouTube itself!

5 Not Optimizing Your Videos For SEO: Search engine optimization (SEO) is essential if you want people outside of your network to find & watching your videos – so make sure titles & descriptions include relevant keywords related to what users might search for them show up higher in search results pages! Additionally, try including tags & links within each post so viewers know where they can go next once they finish watching one particular video (this helps keep people engaged longer).

6 Not Promoting Your Channel Enough: It takes more than just posting videos; it needs promotion too! Take advantage of social media platforms like Twitter & Facebook by sharing links back directly from those accounts whenever possible – this will increase visibility significantly over time eventually leading to more potential subscribers coming across it organically rather than relying solely on word-of-mouth referrals only which may take much longer before seeing any real return on investment here…

7 Putting Too Much Pressure On Yourself: Creating quality content takes time – don’t rush yourself into making something mediocre just because there’s pressure from other sources telling you otherwise! Instead focus on building consistency over quantity – meaning post regular high-quality content instead trying hard push out multiple ‘just okay’ pieces at once – this approach usually leads better engagement rates overall anyways since viewers appreciate dedication towards delivering top-notch material every single week versus something sporadic every month or two…

8 Ignoring Feedback: Listen closely to what feedback audiences provide whether through comments sections directly beneath each posted video OR via emails sent directly after viewing – both types offer valuable insight into how well received certain aspects were (or weren’t!) along with areas improvement needed moving forward too! Remember communication goes both ways here – respond accordingly when appropriate and thank everyone for taking part actively participating in community growth efforts overall…

9 Being Afraid Of Experimentation: Don’t be afraid to try different things, especially genres styles types of topics covered, etc – experimentation allows discover hidden talents and true passions along the way potentially leading to even greater levels of success previously thought impossible prior attempts … So long nothing illegal immoral unethical involved always worth shot least remember worst outcome simply failed attempt still learning process nonetheless …

10 Forgetting To Have Fun: Last but not least forget to have fun during the entire process Yes making money primary goal but shouldn’t sole focus either Instead find a balance between enjoying the experience while still working efficiently towards desired outcomes Enjoy the riding journey much possible cause life’s too short worry about trivial matters end day …

By avoiding these 10 common mistakes when starting up a YouTube channel, you’ll give yourself the best chance at achieving success with your side hustle business venture and making money online quickly! Good luck!

About Post Author

B.W Ruby

I have been fascinated with tech for years,and I believe that Ai has the ability to both widen the gap between rich and poor OR be a labor saving device for regular people to get more control in their lives. I spent 17 years in the construction industry running both work crews and specializing in grades and machine automation.Currently, I am learning prompt engineering from Vanderbilt University .
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